sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011

Nabo / Turnip







Plantas companheiras:




tempo para germinar:

tamanho da planta:

dias para colheita:


Pestes e Doenças:



Recolha de sementes:

É simples, basta esperar que apareçam as primeiras cápsulas e proteger a planta senão a passarada come as sementes. De resto é deixar secar, abrir, guardar sementes para mais tarde.

Turnip/Chinese Cabbage - Brassica campestris

Formerly B. rapa. B. campestris varieties, divided below into five separate groups because of similar features, will cross with each other.)
Rapifera: root turnips
Ruvo: flower-stalk turnips including Italian turnips, rapa and broccoli raab
Chinensis: nonheading varieties of Chinese mustard including pak choi and celery mustard
Pekinensis: heading varieties of Chinese cabbage
Perviridis: spinach mustards
PLANT: Separate B. campestris varieties at least 1000 feet for satisfactory results or at least 1/2 mile for purity. Caging with introduced pollinators or alternate day caging is also recommended in small gardens. Seed to seed : Plants left for seed production should be mulched in the fall. Flowering plants can grow 3' tall and need at least 2' spacing for good seed production. Root to seed: Carefully dig roots in the fall, trim tops to 2" and store for the winter in humid location (layered in sand or sawdust) with temperatures 35-40° F. Replant best roots in early spring with 2' spacing.

FLOWER: The B. campestris species produces perfect flowers, most of which cannot be self-pollinated. Cross-pollination is performed mostly by bees. The stigma becomes receptive before the flower opens. Pollen is shed hours after the flower opens. B. campestris varieties require vernalization (cold, winter-like temperatures for several weeks) before flowering occurs. Store for at least four weeks in a refrigerator.

INBREEDING DEPRESSION: Plant at least 6 different plants to ensure a reasonable amount of genetic diversity.

HARVEST: Turnips grown for seed should not be trimmed for eating. Chinese cabbage can be lightly trimmed for eating without affecting quality seed production. If small amounts of seeds are wanted, allow individual pods to dry to a light brown color before picking and opening by hand. Lower pods dry first followed by those progressively higher on the plant. For larger amounts of seeds pull entire plant after a majority of pods have dried. Green pods rarely produce viable seeds even if allowed to dry after the plant is pulled.

PROCESS: Smash unopened pods in a cloth bag with mallet or by walking on them. Chaff can be winnowed.




As primeiras sementes aparecer.

Belas folhas. Boa sopa.

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